HC B-25 Mitchell 1335mm span - PNP
SKU: RZ04822
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The new B-25 Mitchell is a fantastic large scale plane that has both the design and appearance of the real bomber. With 2 powerful brushless motors, the B25 has plenty of power for short distance take-offs from grass or tarmac and is capable of aerobatic action. The B-25 features patented sequenced servo operated retractable landing gear and gear doors that add to the fantastic appearance. This fantastic model is a pleasure to fly and its highly detailed appearance will wow the crowds.
The B-25 Mitchell is constructed from a highly durable EPO-FLEXY foam. The kit itself is pre-assembled and includes a whopping ten 9g servos to move all of the control surfaces, including flaps, twin rudder, retracts and retract bay doors. Modular design means it is easy to replace damaged parts, such as main wing, tail wing, landing gear, nose cone, propeller, etc in the rare event of your adventures taking a rough landing!
The B-25 Mitchell has a massive wingspan of 1355mm and is a whopping 1041mm long. The all up flying weight of the model is 1750g once you've added a receiver and 3 cell 11.1V Li-Po battery. Two brushless 20A ESC's are installed to power the twin brushless motors and drive the scale 3 bladed counter rotating props. The B-25 can even be flown with only one engine. The model also has working navigational LEDS to complete the scale appearance.
● Wingspan: 1335mm
● Length: 1041mm
● Weight: 1750g
● 10 nos: 9g servos
● 2 nos: 20A Brushless ESC
Required but not included:
● Avionic RCB6i / RCB OS-10 transmitter & receiver
● Charger : Wolfpack 2 - 3 cell compact charger or above
● Battery: 11.1V 2200mAh Li-Po